QQI Level 5 Award in Community Health Services (5M4468)
Emergency First Aid Responder (EFR) MAPA (Management of Actual & Potential Aggression) ) Manual Handling and Patient Moving TechniquesHSE Certificates in • Hand Hygiene • Children First • Putting on & taking off PPE in Acute Healthcare Settings • Flu Vaccination - protect yourself & Others • Safeguarding adults at risk of abuse
This course is designed for students who wish to work in either the emergency care or fire and ambulance services. This course leads to a Level 5 award in Health Service skills with additional certification in Emergency First Responder, accredited by The Pre-Hospital Emergency Care Council (PHECC). Learners will train for Emergency First Responder incorporating Cardiac First Responder certification which is also PHECC accredited.
- Programme of Study
- Anatomy and Physiology
- Care of the Older Person
- Emergency Department Care Skills
- Understanding Mental Health
- Communications
- Mathematics (optional)
- Work Experience
- Manual Handling and Patient Moving Techniques
- Safety Health at Work
- Infection Prevention and Control
HSE Certificates in:
- Hand Hygiene
- Children First
- Putting on & taking off PPE in Acute Healthcare Settings
- Flu Vaccination - protect yourself & Others
- Safeguarding adults at risk of abuse
Components subject to change
- Entry Requirements
One of the following:
- Leaving Certificate or its equivalent. Extenuating circumstances may be considered
- Leaving Certificate Applied Award
- Full QQI Level 4 Award
- Career Opportunities
Careers in the Public Service as
- Fire Personnel
- Ambulance Personnel
Employment Opportunities with
- Private Ambulance
- Event Support Companies
- Care/Nursing Homes
- Higher Education progression
Examples of potential courses include:
Student Paramedic Training with National Ambulance Service Ireland www.hse.iewww.publicjobs.ie Tallaght
UL University of Limerick
- Paramedic Studies, (LM103)
Firefighter- Paramedic with Dublin Fire Brigade, Dublin City Council.
TUD Technological University Dublin (City Campus):- BA in Applied Social Studies in Social Care Level 7 (TU791)
- BA Applied Social Care Level 8 (TU997)
- Course Co-ordinator
Anne Clarke